Whittington Residence, Greenwood, Miss
Whittington Residence Articles
A New Residence
Mr. W. M. Whittington, the well known and prosperous attorney, has given the contract for a handsome residence, which will be finished as soon as possible. The location is in the aristocratic part of the city and is to cost rather more than $3,000.
From The Commonwealth, April 15, 1905
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Whittington on Market St. was completely destroyed by fire last Saturday morning, at about 11 o'clock. Most of household goods were saved. The losses on the residence and furniture amounted to about $7500.00, which was partly covered by insurance. The fire originated from a defective flue.
From The Commonwealth, November 7, 1913
Hon. and Mrs. W. M. Whittington have awarded the contract for the erection of their handsome two-story residence on East Market Street, to the Geo. N. Smalridge Construction Co., of Birmingham, Ala. This will be decidedly one of the most attractive and substantial residences in the city, and will be ready for occupancy within about four months.
From The Commonwealth, June 26, 1914
Hon. W. M. Whittington and family recently moved into their magnificent new residence, on East Market Street, which is one of the largest and most modern homes in Greenwood.
From The Commonwealth, June 25, 1915