Mr. S. H. Selliger has let a contract to contractor Hudson to build a 50x100, two-story brick business house on his old lot on River Front. We do hope the property owners of the riverfront will have their stores to face south, instead of north. To do this will enhance this property. Will the owners do it?
From the Greenwood Enterprise, May 8, 1890
We were invited by Mrs. S. H. Selliger last Tuesday evening to witness the laying of the cornerstone of the handsome Selliger building on Front Street. There was a considerable crowd gathered to witness the ceremony, which was simple and impressive. When the contractor announced ready, Little Ruth Selliger, with her tiny infantile hand, assisted by her two little brothers, placed the stone in position, the mason smoothed the mortar over it-and placed it securely in position where it will remain, perhaps until the little baby hands which laid it there, will be wrinkled, and hardened with time. This will be, when completed, one of the handsomest business houses in the state.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, May 29, 1890
Greenwood is to have a $10,000 Opera House, modern and up-to- date in every respect, ready for business by early fall. Hon. George A. Wilson has let the contract for this long and much needed addition to our city, and work will begin on same at once. Mr. Wilson will convert the mammoth two-story Selliger building on River Front into an opera house. The seating capacity will be 600; 400 on the first floor and 200 in the gallery. The hall will be furnished with the latest style opera chairs and the finest quality of scenery.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, May 3, 1901