The big store of L. Bernstein & Co., familiarly known as the "Famous", has been sold to the Lamar Allen Co., of Tunica, which will continue the business at its present location.
The Lamar Allen Co. will at once assume an important position in the commercial affairs of Greenwood. Mr. Lamar Allen, the head of the company, is one of the best merchants in the State, and has been for a long time desirous of obtaining a location in Greenwood. He is progressive and enterprising and THE COMMONWEALTH predicts that his splendid success in Tunica will be more than duplicated here.
Mr. Bernstein says that he expects to enter the wholesale trade, but he has not yet decided as to whether he will remain in Greenwood. The "Famous" has prospered under his management and he has many warm friends here who would regret to see him leave the city.
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, January 9, 1904
The Stein Grocery Company has leased the building now occupied by the Lamar Allen Co. on the corner of Howard and Market streets and will move into its new quarters as soon as the building is vacated. The Stein Grocery Company has always been one of the largest and handsomest retail grocery stores in the State, and will be greatly enlarged and improved in its new location.
From The Commonwealth, April 9, 1904
The Stein Grocery Co. has moved into the storehouse on the northwest corner of Howard and Market streets. The building has been thoroughly renovated and repainted inside and is now one of the prettiest and largest exclusive grocery stores in Mississippi.
From The Greenwood Enterprise, July 1, 1904