Standard Station
Standard Station
The Standard Oil Company's new service station, recently constructed at the corner of Fulton and Washington streets, was opened for business today. This establishment is strictly up-to-date, and Manager R. C. Kerr wishes to assure the public courteous and satisfactory service at all times.
From The Commonwealth, October 26, 1921
Work of moving a frame residence back of the Standard Oil Company's filling station on Washington Street is well underway today, preparatory to clearing the ground for the construction of a business building, which will be occupied by the Jitney Jungle store now located on Howard Street.
Following the vacating of the Howard Street building by Jitney Jungle, construction work on the projected handsome new home for the Greenwood Bank & Trust Company will begin.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, February 8, 1926
Contract for the construction of a handsome building on Washington Street just east of the Standard Oil Company's filling station, has been let by the Jitney Jungle, who will occupy the building as soon as completed.
The building will be 50 by 82 and one-half feet, one story in height, of pressed brick with plate glass front. In addition to the grocery facilities, the new building will be equipped with an up-to-date market, with cold storage show cases and other modern equipment.
The building will cost approximately $10,000. W. S. Howell is contractor and F. R. McGeoy is the architect.
Construction work will begin immediately.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, February 26, 1926
One of the handsomest and best-appointed grocery store buildings in Mississippi is the handsome new home of the Jitney Jungle, which will be opened for business tomorrow morning.
Manager A. A. Tate and his capable assistants have arranged for music by the Boys' Band to mark the opening day, and souvenirs, flowers and sandwiches, and demonstrations of various lines carried by the Jitney Jungle will feature the event.
The new Jitney Jungle is located on Washington Street, midway between Fulton and Howard and is conveniently situated for the busy shopper.
The occasion of opening of the new store marks Jitney Jungle's fifth anniversary, an anniversary that finds this firm continuing to increase its business with each succeeding year.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, May 7, 1926
A new industry for Greenwood is that of the Stanley Tater-Flake Company, who will open for business on Saturday, May 8th at 212 West Washington Street, next door to the new Jitney Jungle store.
Mr. Stanley cordially invites the public to visit their new store on Friday and see how their machine makes these delicious Tater-Flakes.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, May 7, 1926