Mr. W. H. McCarty is arranging to have the old jail building on Main Street torn down and erect three one-story storehouses on the lots now occupied by that old structure and those adjoining it. We learn that he already has renters for the proposed new houses. This makes ten new businesses to be erected in Greenwood this summer, and there are others contemplated. Hurrah! for Greenwood. She is decidedly the most progressive place in Mississippi.
From The Greenwood Enterprise, June 5, 1896
Messrs. Sims & Webb have sold their stock of general merchandise located at the corner of Main and Market streets to the Hyman- Lewis Company and will retire from business. The Hyman-Lewis Company announces that the stock of dry goods will be moved to their main building, and that the store thus vacated will be used by them as a family grocery. The Hyman-Lewis Company is preparing to do a big business, and this gives them three of the largest stores in the city-all on the same corner.
From The Commonwealth, May 7, 1904
M. Alexander and family, of Loogootee, Ind., arrived in Greenwood the first of the week and will make their future home here. Messrs. Alexander & Son have been extensively engaged in the clothing and dry goods business at Loogootee for several years, but have moved their stock to this city and will open in the McCarty building on the corner of Market and Main streets by the 1st of September. They are enterprising merchants and our people cordially welcome them to Greenwood.
From The Greenwood Enterprise, August 5, 1904
M. Alexander & Son have been busy all this week opening new goods, placing fixtures and arranging display, and will have everything in readiness to open their new store on the corner of Main and Market streets, next Thursday. They will carry a stock embracing everything in dry goods, clothing, shoes and furnishing goods for ladies and men, all of which are new and of the latest styles for fall and winter. Read their announcement in today's paper.
From The commonwealth, August 27, 1904