Mr. C. W. Telfair has sold his lot on Market Street to the Jewish Orthodox Congregation of Greenwood, which is just across the street from the A. F. Gardner home. The purchase price was $3,500.
The Orthodox congregation will erect a handsome Jewish Synagogue on the lot. The structure will be erected at an approximate cost of $25,000. I will be built of brick. Just when work on the synagogue will be started, has not yet been decided.
From The Commonwealth, March 12, 1919
The Jewish Orthodox Congregation are making a drive for the purpose of raising funds to be use in the construction of their new Synagogue, work on which has been begun. The new Synagogue will be one of the handsomest temples of worship in Greenwood when it is completed and a great credit to the city. The building committee is composed of M. Diamond, B. Garlove, H. Bennett and H. Heittner; and the soliciting committee of L. Blumenthal, David Smith and Simon Davidson.
The following appeal is being sent out by the committee:
"The Jewish Orthodox Congregation of Greenwood, Miss., is turning to you and we appeal to your generosity to come to our aid."
"Taxing ourselves to the utmost, we have raised here $10,000 for the purpose of building a Synagogue, which has become an urgent need, as our children are growing up, knowing little of their religious traditions and history. Without a Synagogue, we are unable to impart to them that knowledge which is indispensable to the spiritual well being of every man and woman."
"We need the Synagogue, around which to build our communal life, where we can consecrate a few moments of our life to the worship of our God and where we can train our children to be faithful Jews and patriotic citizens."
"We need $10,000 more and this must come to us from our generous co-religionists and friends."
"We have always responded unstintingly to similar appeals coming to us from other committees that were similarly placed without inquiring to their creed or religion, and now, in our hour of need, we appeal to you for a donation and we feel certain that you will respond and help us in the erection of our House of Worship."
"Make donation payable to M. Diamond, treasurer."
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, April 4, 1923