Bonds for the purpose of supplying Greenwood's needed school buildings were authorized issued yesterday in a special election. The bond issue, which will be for $200,000.00, was approved by an overwhelming majority, the vote being 362 for the issuance and 68 against the issue.
The $200,000.00 will be expended for the purpose of erecting a high school building near the present school plant, the location and building of a school for the lower grades in East Greenwood, the completion of the North Greenwood school, building an addition to the Negro school building, and the probable erection of a frame building on a donated site for Negro pupils.
Plans for the buildings have been made by Architects F. B. Hull of Jackson and Frank R. McGeoy of Greenwood, and everything is in readiness for the letting of contracts as soon as the bonds are sold and the legal formalities in regard to the advertisements are complied with.
Greenwood's schools have been seriously handicapped by the lack of accommodations for the school children during the past year and the present plans are designed to relieve present congestion and to care for the growth of the schools for a number of years.
From the Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, May 27, 1924
The new building of the Greenwood High School will be formally opened Friday evening between the hours of 7:00 and 7:45 with a general inspection of the new building.
Beginning on Monday, which marks the opening of the second term, the building will be occupied by the high school. The present high school building will be occupied by the Junior High School, and more room afforded for the other departments in the various buildings.
The new high school building, completed at a cost of approximately $160,000, marks the greatest single improvement yet made in Greenwood's school system and will furnish educational facilities for Greenwood's children second to none in Mississippi.
The new building was rendered necessary by the crowded condition of the schools, and came as a result of $200,000 bond issue voted almost unanimously by the tax payers of the city when presented to them last April.
Ground was broken for the building in September, and Estes-Williams-Ragsdale Company of Memphis have broken all construction records in completing the magnificent new building in time for occupancy at the beginning of the second term.
Erected at the same time as the new building, a central heating plant will supply heat to the three buildings at the central school plant.
From the Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, January 28, 1925