A new brick building will soon be erected on Howard Street for the accommodation of the stock of the Dickson Furniture Company. Plans are now being drawn for the new structure.
From The Commonwealth, May 7, 1904
Another new two-story business house is soon to be erected on the east side of Howard, between Washington and Church streets. It will be erected by Messrs. Dantone & Giardina and occupied by the Dickson Furniture Co.
The contract for the new building will be let today, and the work of construction will begin as soon as the material can be placed on the ground.
From The Commonwealth, May 14, 1904
Two of the largest plate glass windows yet placed in any building south of the Ohio River are those which go in the new building on Howard Street soon to be occupied by the Greenwood Furniture Company, the dimensions of which are 10 feet, 3 inches by 11 feet, 8 inches. They were too large to put in an ordinary boxcar and had to be shipped here on a flat car.
From The Commonwealth, August 27, 1904
The Greenwood Furniture Company has moved into its new building, which is one of the handsomest stores in the city. The immense plate glass windows are the largest in the state and the interior of the place would do credit to the largest city. Manager Wright should feel proud of his new quarters.
From The Commonwealth, September 10, 1904
Messrs. Jameson and Chas. F. Johnson will open a garage in the old Greenwood Furniture Company building on Howard Street.
The building is being remodeled to suit its purpose and will be open for business as soon as possible. It is a good location and an elevator will be put in and both upstairs and downstairs used. It will be first class in every particular and will merit the support of the automobilist.
From The Greenwood Enterprise, October 10, 1909
The pleasure loving people are rejoicing over the fact that the Greenwood Automobile Company, who has a large home on Howard Street, will turn its second story into a skating rink and run one of the best rinks in the State.
The entire upper story of the spacious building will be converted into a rink. Carpenters have been busy this week leveling the floor and ventilating this hall. Stairs and passages have been made and the rink will be a well-appointed place for this class of amusement. The management has ordered an excellent line of skates and expects to have a rushing business every afternoon and evening next week.
The young people of this city welcome this venture most heartily and it will no doubt receive due patronage. As they have been clamoring for this kind of amusement and exercise, they should patronize it as often as possible. We feel sure that the management will make a success out of it and that it will be a permanent thing for Greenwood. They have our best wishes.
From The Commonwealth, November 19, 1909
Remodeling of the building on Howard Street, formerly occupied by F. Goodman Dry Goods Company, is now in progress. The building will be occupied by the Central Hardware Company, a subsidiary company of the Henderson & Baird Hardware Company, which will take over the retail hardware business of the parent organization.
The Central Hardware Company will be under the active management of Mr. W. H. Harper, one of the most enterprising hardware men in the state.
The Market Street store of Henderson & Baird will be devoted exclusively to the wholesale and jobbing business, and the two stores will enable better service to both the retail and wholesale trade.
Central Hardware Company will be open for business about Sept. 1st.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, August 4, 1926
The McLellan Stores Company of New York City will open a store in Greenwood. The building now occupied by the Central Hardware Company has been secured for the new store. The building is owned by Frank Giardina and is a most desirable location for such a store.
The McLellan Stores Company operate in many cities over the Unites States. It is a chain store company, operating 5 cents to $5 stores.
Greenwood is becoming quite a mecca for chain stores, this making the third variety store to come here in the past few years. It will be some time before the new store will open, possibly not until the first of January. The securing of the lease on the building was handled through Hon. R. V. Pollard, local and prominent attorney.
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, July 30, 1929
Work in remodeling the Giardina building on Howard Street, which will be occupied by one of the McLellan stores, is rapidly nearing completion, and the new store is expected to open for business within the next few days.
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, January 2, 1930