Fire Station No. 2
Fire Station No. 2
Greenwood's fire fighting forces have been mobilized into a complete motor driven department. The horse is gone.
This morning recorded the entrance of the second fire truck into the local department and marked the exit of "Big Boy" and "Bill", the two powerful horses which have been pulling the truck of No. 2 department for the past number of years.
At the second station a re-built and fully equipped Ford truck is the topic of the fire fighters today. The machine is built-up in an efficient manner and presents a good appearance as a fire truck.
While it is realized by the men that the time has come when the horse has to make room for the more efficient mode of travel in this department, the men nevertheless regretted to see the stable torn out of the No. 2 station. "Big Boy" has been a faithful employee of the city for the past eight years. He was purchased by W. I. Carr when he held the office of street commissioner, for buggy use. The "Boy" was so big and showed such intelligence for his position that it was decided to try him at the truck. "Boy" made good from the start. He has since been the mainstay of Greenwood's fine horses. He was ejected from No. 1 department with the arrival of the big handsome truck some years ago and transferred to the second station, just organized. His retirement from the department now, however, seems a permanent one.
He and "Bill" will be offered for sale at an early date by the city.
Chief Bridges, in an interview this morning with a reporter, was elated over the initial workout of the truck for the second station yesterday. He said that it would be an entire success and that the two departments could now give to Greenwood one of the most efficient services in the way of fire protection of any city in the state.
Seven men, including the Chief, now make up the personnel of the two departments and it is probable that another man will be added soon at Station No. 1. At the second headquarters on Carrollton Avenue, Fred Hill, Milton Gory and Solomon Bruce will look after the new truck while Chief Bridges, with his assistants, Richard Cobbs, Meade Suddeth and Ford Chute will manage the first station.
From The Commonwealth, January 9, 1918
Greenwood's number two fire station, which has been in course of construction for several months as a WPA project, has been completed and is now occupied by the firefighting apparatus and the fire boys of the station.
The building replaces the former structure on Carrollton Avenue opposite Avenue G, and is built of concrete throughout. It is a handsome and commodious structure.
From the Greenwood Commonwealth, March 5, 1938