Mr. S. J. Stein is having plans and specifications made for the erection of a magnificent three-story office building on his lots on the southeast corner of Howard and Washington streets.
Mr. Stein will erect a building on these valuable lots with steam on all modern conveniences. The front is to have stone columns and massive plate glass for the first story with stone trimmings above and red pressed brick.
This new structure will add greatly to the appearance of Howard Street.
From the Greenwood Commonwealth, August 11, 1905
Mr. Samuel J. Stein announces that the new building soon to be erected at the corner of Howard and Washington Streets will be constructed with concrete blocks.
This will be a new innovation in Greenwood and may mark the beginning of an entirely new style of architecture.
Concrete blocks can be made in almost any conceivable shape and the material is said to be much cheaper than brick or stone. It is as hard as adamant and takes a finish that is almost as smooth as marble.
The plans for the new Stein building are being drawn by Architect J. D. Griffith. The contract will be let as soon as the plans are adopted.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, November 3, 1905
Something Serenely Sweet Soon
To be Opened
A modern Kandy Kitchen is soon to be installed in the Stein building on the corner of West Washington and Howard streets.
This is something Greenwood has long been in need of, and we predict for it a successful career. This new business concern will embrace a soda fountain and an up-to-date line of confectionaries, and will spare no pains in making this one of the handsomest places of business in the state.
An enterprise of this class pays well in other cities and we see no reason why it should not prove a success in our city, as we will not admit that there is a town in the state better able to support an enterprise of any kind than our progressive city.
From The Greenwood Enterprise, February 28, 1908
Frank Grego, who formerly conducted a Kandy Kitchen business at Greenville, has rented Mr. Sam'l J. Stein's handsome new store at the corner of Howard and Washington streets, and is opening a soda fountain and fancy confectionary in same. He will dispense all kinds of temperance drinks, ice cream, fine candies, etc., and is having the place fitted up nicely for his business here.
From The Commonwealth, April 17, 1908
We direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Brown & Word, which appears in this issue of The Commonwealth. These clever gentlemen are here to stay and are conducting a trade that will merit your patronage, and solicit a share of your patronage. Their soda fountain and parlor is in the Stein Building, on the corner of Washington and Howard Sts.
From The Commonwealth, July 2, 1909
Messrs. Ben and Robert Bridges have purchased the soda fountain and ice cream parlor formerly owned by Frank Word, and propose to install a new set of fixtures and greatly improve the parlor.
Messrs. Bridges have of late been connected with the tin and plumbing business, and have been enjoying a lucrative trade.
An electric piano will be installed and they promise to make the parlor one of the handsomest in the state.
We wish the new firm all possible success in their new venture and appreciate their faith in the future of our city.
From The Commonwealth, May 27, 1910
Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Arthur J. Scates bought the Kandy Kitchen and will reopen same at once. The Kandy Kitchen was formerly conducted by Bridges Bros., who were forced to close doors last week. Mr. Scates has bought the entire fount and all fixtures and will give same his close personal attention, carrying at all times the very best of good things to eat and drink. We bespeak for him a share of your patronage.
From The Commonwealth, September 29, 1911
Scates Kandy Kitchen has just installed a $1750 Peerless Piano Player in this popular refreshment nook, which is a beauty and substantial expression of the appreciation of the patronage given this popular resort whose owners strive to give Greenwood the latest and the freshest and the best in their lines.
From The Commonwealth, March 22, 1912
The Double Dip Ice Cream Company, Greenwood's popular and fast growing confectionary, has moved into a new location preparatory to the beginning of the summer season.
Located in the Weiner Building, formerly occupied by Stein Grocery Company, at the corner of Howard and Washington streets, the Double Dip Company has larger and more convenient quarters for servicing its trade, both in the building and its curb service.
The corner store provides parking space on both Howard and Washington streets, and the Washington Street side is kept clear of parking except for curb service from Double Dip.
The new location will be appreciated by the customers of this splendid Greenwood firm.
A special attraction at the stores serving Double Dip cream is announced for tomorrow. See their ad in today's Commonwealth.
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, April 13, 1935
Western Auto Associate Store is now open for business in its new location,the building formerly occupied by Double Dip, on the corner of Washington and Howard streets.
This store, owned and operated by W. G. Stuart, has served Greenwood and trade area on Carrollton Avenue since its organization two years ago. Mr. Stuart feels that he is offering his customers an added service in convenience at his new location.
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, May 18, 1938