Rev. W. D. Brown, a missionary of the Episcopal Church, preached in Greenwood Tuesday evening (ed. May 24) to a good congregation. A church of faith was organized and Messrs. J. H. Lucas, L. P. Yerger, L. Upshur, Thos. Lucas, and Gid Montjoy were appointed vestrymen and Dr. J. H. Lucas, Senior Warden and L. P. Yerger, Junior Warden. It is the intention of the organization to build a church edifice here at an early day. The organization will be known as the Church of the Nativity.
From The Yazoo Valley Flag, May 26, 1881
Rev. Mr. Woodward, of Canton, conducted services at the Episcopal Church Tuesday evening. Mr. Woodward will also conduct services at the same church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at 8 o'clock in the evening. At the morning service, the sacrament of Holy Communion of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend these services.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, August 21, 1896
The new Episcopal Church building is nearing completion, and it is one of the handsomest structures in the city.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, May 11,1902
The first services in the handsome new Episcopal Church of this city will be held Sunday, August 3rd-the morning service to be conducted by Rev. P. G. Sears, of Meridian, and the evening service by Rev. W. C. Whitaker, of Jackson. The cornerstone of the church will be laid Monday morning, August 4th, at 10 o 'clock, with appropriate ceremonies. Addresses will be delivered by Revs. Sears and Whitaker, and the public is invited to attend.
The ENTERPRISE congratulates Rev. C. W. Hinton, the able Rector, and the members of the Episcopal congregation upon the approaching completion of their beautiful new building, and the splendid progress the church is making in every respect.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, July 25,1902
The ENTERPRISE is gratified to know that Rev. C. W. Hinton will continue in charge as rector of the Episcopal Church in this city, notwithstanding his proposed removal to Grenada in a few days. He is a most excellent and learned gentleman, and has a host of friends in this city.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, July 25,1902
The morning services at the new Episcopal Church will be conducted by the Rev. C. W. Hinton, owing to the inability of the Rev. P. G. Sears to be present. The evening service will be at 8 o' clock. The sermon will be preached by Rev. W. C. Whitaker, of Jackson. The cornerstone will be laid Monday morning at 10 o 'clock, when addresses will be made by Rev. C. W. Whitaker, of Jackson, and Rev. W. M. Green, of Canton. The public is cordially invited.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, August 1,1902
The first services in the new Episcopal Church building were held last Sunday-Rev. C. W. Hinton preaching the morning sermon and Rev. W. C. Whitaker, of Jackson, the evening sermon. Large crowds attended each service. Everybody enjoyed these services, and are profuse in complimenting the appearance of the new church building and itamp;s splendid arrangement.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, August 8,1902
The cornerstone of the Church of the Nativity was laid with appropriate ceremonies Monday morning, the 4th-Rev. C. W. Hinton, the Rector assisted by the Rev. W. C. Whitaker, of Jackson, in conducting the ceremonies. A good crowd of our citizens attended the exercises, and all expressed gratification at the completion of the handsome new church building.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, August 8,1902