Mr. E. K. Myrick of Berclair has opened up an automobile sales room and repair shop for Ford automobiles in the building formerly occupied by G. P. Elliott, Cotton Factor. Mr. Myrick will keep a number of Ford cars on hand at all times for sale and will make a special business of repairing and keeping Ford cars sold by him in good running condition at the least possible cost to the owners. Mr. Myrick is also agent for the Chandler automobile.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, October 3, 1913
Mr. E. K. Myrick has bought from Mr. S. G. Wilson the old Delta Garage building on Main Street and is permanently "at home" with his Ford Car Agency and Garage.
The building has been recently repaired and fitted up nicely for his rapidly growing business, and all orders now receive more prompt attention than ever.
This popular garage makes a specialty of Vulcanizing and is prepared to do any kind of automobile repairs in the best manner of workmanship possible at the right sort of prices.
Mr. Myrick and his assistants will be pleased to see you when in need of anything in their line.
From The Commonwealth, December 4, 1914
Mr. E. K. Myrick has arranged a neat little rest room for ladies at his garage on Main Street.
This will be quite a convenience for people who come to Greenwood shopping as well as to the ladies of the city.
This, with the nice rest room at Fountain's Store, makes two that we now have in the business part of Greenwood.
From the Greenwood Commonwealth, August 17, 1921