The Delta Bank has let the contract for its new building to Mr. D. H. White, of Jackson, who will begin the work of erecting same just as soon as the material can be put on the grounds. The new building will be constructed on the lots immediately north of THE ENTERPRISE office on Howard Street, and will consist of the banking house and two storehouses, with a number of elegant offices in the second story. The front will be three stories high and made of pressed brick and pitched granite, making a most handsome appearance. The lots on which the old bank building formerly stood will be cleaned off and held for sale. THE ENTERPRISE congratulates the officers of the Delta Bank upon their wise decision in building on the lots selected, and the desires to extend its new next-door neighbors a hearty welcome in advance. It will only be a matter of very short time when some shrewd businessman will buy the site of the bank's former home and erect a handsome house upon it.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, February 28, 1896
The Delta Bank has broken ground for its new building on Howard Street. The building will be a magnificent three-story brick with stone trimmings. The Delta Bank is one of the most solid institutions in the Delta and Greenwood is proud of it. THE ENTERPRISE will be glad to see it in it new quarters.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, April 17, 1896
The Delta Bank's new quarters-a handsome three-story, pressed brick front building-is nearing completion under the skillful supervision of that excellent contractor, Mr. D. H. White, of Jackson. The front rooms up-stairs will be occupied by Dr. W. A. Guess' dental office, and Dr. Dickens will occupy two of the others as an office. The Delta Bank will be in the front part of the first floor, while Mr. J. S. McDonald will use the rear part of it as a cotton office. The first storehouse just north of the bank building has been rented by A. Shulman & Co. for their general mercantile business, and a first-class restaurant will be opened in the next one. On the next lot Mr. F. R. Austin will have a house erected before Sept. 1st for Mr. R. P. Greene, of Jackson, who will open a dry goods business in it on the date. We learn that the next three houses on the corner of Howard and Market Streets, now being erected for the Delta Bank by Messrs. Jesty & Co., the leading contractors in this section of the state), will be occupied by the Southern Express Co., Postal Cable Telegraph C0., A. J. Reed & Co. dry goods and grocery establishment, and Mr. C. I. Stein's jewelry store-Reed & Co. being on the corner and Stein next to Locke's drugstore. This will make Howard a leading business street, and we extend our neighbors a hearty welcome in advance.
From the Greenwood Enterprise June 26, 1896
The Delta Bank has been moved into its handsome new quarters, next door to THE ENTERPRISE office, on Howard Street. Its substantial vault, fine office furniture, marble floor and pressed brick front all combined compares favorably with that of many of the leading city banking institutions, and is an ornament to our town. Cashier C. K. Marhal, Accountant J. H. Ellington, and Teller Sam Stein will be prepared to receive President J. S. McDonald in royal style on his return from the hunting expedition he is now enjoying with Gen. B. S. Ricks and Hon. Geo. A. Wilson out in Montana.
From the Greenwood Enterprise, August 21, 1896