"Daisie" Articles
Mr. Charlie Wright is having the vacant lot opposite the ice factory cleared, preparatory to building a large residence.
From The Delta Flag, July 29, 1898
Mr. R. H. Barrett is erecting an elegant residence for Mr. C. E. Wright on Fulton Street, which will be quite an ornament to our little city. We understand it is to cost about $5,000.00, will be strictly up-to-date and fitted up in the latest style. We are glad to see our solid businessmen erect such dwellings; it shows they have confidence in the future of our city.
From The Delta Flag, August 26, 1898
The new residence of Mr. C. E. Wright is fast nearing completion and will be an ornament to that part of town when finished.
From The Delta Flag, September 23, 1898
Wright Residence Is Damaged By Fire
Fire supposed to have originated from the kitchen severely damaged the residence of Mrs. Daisy P. Wright early last night.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, January 23, 1924
Jordan & Company, local furniture dealers, have been awarded the contract for furnishing the new home of Mrs. Daisy P. Wright on Fulton Street, and Mr. J. W. MacKay of this firm will leave in a few days for Chicago to make selections for the furnishings.
From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, March 12, 1925