The desirable business lots, owned by Messrs. J. L Gillespie and W. C. Taylor, located on the northeast corner of Fulton and Market, were sold yesterday to Messrs. A. C. and J. P. Metts. An architect commenced work today on plans for a most attractive building, which will be erected on the lots and will be occupied by the Metts Filling Station. This structure will be up-to-date and modern in every detail and will be one of the finest buildings of the kind in the State.
The combined dimensions of the lots are 50 by 95 feet. The building to be erected will practically cover the entire ground space. It will be a one-story structure, but will be so erected that it can easily be converted into a building of several stories.
The company will handle gasoline, oils and automobile accessories. As soon as the plans are completed, work will at once be started on the structure.
From The Commonwealth, June 11, 1919
Chet Wasser is today announcing the opening of Wasser's Lion Service Station in the building occupied by Seven-Eleven at the corner of Market and Fulton streets for the past several years.
Mr. Wasser will conduct a complete service station, with washing, greasing, servicing, tire repairing, and road service, and will handle Lion Gas and Lion and Pennzoil oils.
The phone number of Mr. Wasser's station will be 1010, and "Ten-ten" will place Chet Wasser's incomparable service as close as the telephone.
Mr. Wasser is a successful service station operator, and his affability and service will win a large share of the patronage of this community.
From The Greenwood Commonwealth, March 31, 1933