Fire Station No. 1, Greenwood, MS

Articles about Greenwood Fire Department No. 1

Mayor W. S. Vardaman Has Returned From Memphis

A Pair of Horses

Before leaving Memphis, Mayor Vardaman also purchased a pair of handsome iron gray horses. These will be trained and used for pulling the hose wagon and reel of the proposed new fire department.

From The Greenwood Enterprise, April 21, 1906



Complete New Equipment Has Been Ordered

By the City Fathers

At a meeting of the City Council held Thursday night, an order was placed for a complete new equipment of fire-fighting apparatus, including a combination chemical and hose wagon, reels, ladders and other equipment necessary to the establishment of a first-class fire department.

It will be three or four weeks before this apparatus arrives. In the meantime, Mayor Vardaman and members of the Council will arrange for a suitable building, stables for horses, etc., so that the new equipment may be placed into immediate service.

At least two regular men will be employed, one of whom will be on duty at all hours, so as to occasion as little delay as possible in getting to a fire.

The Greenwood fire-fighters seldom fail to control a blaze when they once get on the ground, but the old hand cart is too slow and a great deal of valuable property has been destroyed during the past year on account of this delay in getting to the scene.

This was illustrated Thursday night, when a Negro house in Gritney was entirely destroyed. Several Negroes tried to pull the hose cart through the streets, but gave out before they reached the scene.

From The Greenwood Enterprise, May 5, 1906

Notice to Contractors


Greenwood Now in Better Shape to Fight Fires

Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Greenwood, Mississippi, to be held on Tuesday, October 2, 1906, said Board will receive bids and award contract for erecting a Station and Engine House, according to plans and specifications on file. Board reserves right to reject any and all bids.

R. H. HICKS, City Clerk

From The Commonwealth, September 14, 1906.

Greenwood Now in Better Shape to Fight Fires

The handsome new wagon and fine pair of horses for the Greenwood Fire Department recently arrived and Chief L. Dauphin and his assistants make daily trips over the city training the horses. The wagon and horses are beautiful and will prove a great aid to the hose companies in getting to fires in future.

The officers of the fire department now are: L. Dauphin, Chief; Fred Hill, driver; Tony Spencer, chemical operator. Mr. Dauphin and his assistants are thoroughly experienced and can be depended upon to give first-class service.

An up-to-date engine house will be built for the fire department on the lots just south of Mr. F. R. Austin's residence on Howard Street, advertisements for bids on the building appearing in another column of this issue of The Commonwealth. The temporary engine house is at the Southern Stables on Johnson Street.

From The Commonwealth, September 14, 1906

New Uniforms Received

Chief L. Dauphin and his assistants, Toney Spencer and Fred Hill of the Greenwood Fire Department, have received their new uniforms and wore them last Sunday for the first time. At an early date, the new engine house will be built and the department's equipment otherwise improved.

From The Commonwealth, October 12, 1906

Last Monday afternoon the dog, "Quick", the mascot of the Greenwood Fire Department, was killed by an automobile on the corner of Main and Johnson streets. As the brave fire ladies laid their faithful dog to rest in a real coffin, made with their own hands, a tear now and then was wiped away from their eyes. The dog had not missed going to a fire with the firemen in over two years, and he knew just as well as the firemen what it meant when he heard the wild-cat whistle.

From The Commonwealth, July 9, 1909


The City Council has purchased a $5,500 "American LaFrance" automobile fire machine which will be delivered within ninety days. The auto fire wagons have given such efficient service in the larger cities and towns that Fire Chief Johnson and others interested in Greenwood's fire protection prevailed upon the Board to purchase a machine.

The present force thinks that they are handicapped in a city of our size with only one fire house and one team of horses and think that Greenwood has grown to the proportions where two fire houses are needed, but the authorities think differently.

The auto fire machine purchased will greatly enhance our firefighting facilities.

From The Commonwealth, October 11, 1912


Fire Chief F. O. Johnson last week took his fire fighters and moved the hose house just north of Fire Headquarters No. 1 to the west end of the building. This was done in order to open Carrollton Avenue so it could be run through to Fulton Street, giving an open street on the north side of where the new Leflore Grocer Co. building will be erected. The barn in the street has also been moved and the street is now ready for traffic.

From The Greenwood News, March 16, 1916


The city has opened and graveled the street just north of Fire Department No. 1 running on the north side of the new Leflore Gro. Co. building which is being built. This street will prove might convenient to the general public and for the business concerns in that part of the city.

From The Greenwood News, May 4, 1916


Modern Firefighting Apparatus And Hose Ordered Purchased By Council

At the meeting of the City Council Tuesday night, a new fire engine was ordered purchased at a cost of $14,336. The new engine with pump attached is one of the most modern firefighting apparatus on the market and will add ample firefighting protection to the City of Greenwood.

Unlike the present fire engines, the new one can operate 21 feet from the source of its water supply. It has three lines of hose with a pressure of 125 pounds to the square inch. Water can be drawn from the river, wells or plugs.

The new engine will also afford protection to the people living in North Greenwood as water can be drawn from the wells or river.

Two thousand feet of paragon fire hose was also ordered purchased. The hose will cost $3000. The engine and hose will be delivered in about ninety days.

From The Commonwealth, November 10, 1920

New Pumper Tested Yesterday Afternoon

The fire pumper, recently purchased by the city for the fire department, was given its first tryout yesterday afternoon. The tests were made from the fire plug in front of the Staple Cotton Cooperative Association's office on Howard Street, and the streams run to the river, the water being thrown in the river.

Three streams were attached to the pumper and thrown about one hundred and fifty feet at the maximum pressure. The test showed the pumper delivering 919 gallons of water per minute as a total of the three streams.

Seven hundred and fifty gallons per minute from three streams is the maximum required by the Underwriters.

The new fire engine was not tested on delivering water out of the river, but it is so constructed that when more water is needed, the water may be pumped from the river through the hose. The apparatus cost $12,500.

From The Commonwealth, May 17, 1922


Both Greenwood's Fire Stations Will Now Be Equipped With Latest Fire Fighting Apparatus

A new American LaFrance pumper fire truck arrived in Greenwood yesterday afternoon for addition to Greenwood's firefighting equipment and is on display today at fire station No. 1.

The new truck is the second pumper added to Greenwood's equipment and gives this city firefighting apparatus second to none in the state. The latest addition is a replica of the other pumper and is the most modern machine that can be bought. It is built by the American LaFrance Company and is capable of operating four streams with the capacity of 750 gallons of water per minute. Its engine develops 105 horse power and it is capable of a speed on ninety miles an hour in getting to the scene of a fire. It is equipped with chemical tank and hose and from its shining bell to its gigantic 48x8 pneumatic tires is a thing of beauty.

The new pumper will be located at station No. 1 and the other pumper will replace the present equipment at station No. 2, it being fitted with a chemical tank and is in every respect in firefighting efficiency equal to the newest piece of equipment.

Greenwood possesses an enviable firefighting record. There have been few losses from fire of any great amount in recent years and its splendid equipment and the excellent personnel of its department is a source of pride to the citizens of the city. The department is composed of twelve men in addition to Chief Milton Gory, whose fighting ability are unequalled anywhere.

At station No. 1 are located Chief Gory and Firemen E. W. Chapman, G. T. Haskins, R. L. Hatsell, Charlie McQuinn, W. T. Utroska, Willie Taylor, Eugene Miller.

At station No. 2 are located Fred Westbrook, A. T. Neaves, Duncan McGee, T. K. King, and M. J. Soddoth.

From The Greenwood Daily Commonwealth, August 5, 1924


The Greenwood Tin and Sheet Metal Works, which opens Monday, September 7, at 500 Howard Street in the building formerly occupied by the old Number One Fire Department, will be managed by Jesse J. Quinn. Mr. Quinn for the past four years has been an employee of J. F. Bobbitt and Company and is thoroughly experienced in all forms of tin work. The shop is fully equipped to handle nearly every type job.

Mr. Quinn guarantees prompt service and satisfaction to all his customers and will appreciate the patronage of his friends.

From The Greenwood Commonwealth, September 4, 1931